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  • Before you write - - -

Before you write - - -

Find and eavesdrop on the voice of their customer

Hi and non-contact high-five to you!

Writing today’s piece from a place of joy!


So, Akshaya Chandramouli has been sharing these beautiful reviews on LinkedIn about newsletters she enjoys reading, and BOOOOOOM!

She shared one on my newsletter a couple of days ago. I am still grinning from ear to ear as I type this!

Feedback is an amazing gift, and for this, I am grateful Akshaya!

You can connect with her on LinkedIn here!

Today, I’ll be sharing what I do before I write for a client

I am sure y’all do some form of research before you start writing an article for a client, right?


My aim here is to give your “research” some form of structure. This framework ain’t set in stone, and if you have a different perspective or framework - please hit the reply button and share with me.

Would love to read and share with the rest of the group.

Well, here goes my process: 

  1. Look and study the current positioning of the client; How does the competition position themselves; Can I reduce the competition’s brand positioning into one adjective; What’s my client’s adjective.

  2. Read through the company website, press releases, and any reviews I can find of their product/service on their website ( the reviews they decide to host on their website tells you a lot about how they see themselves).

  3. Find and eavesdrop on the voice of their customer ( this could be Facebook groups, Reddit, Quora,). Eavesdropping is a great way to learn what the customers/prospects think.

  4.  Imagine their buying process and see where this topic fits.

  5. Read past articles - both theirs and that of competition.

Going through this process at least twice with the same client ensures the articles are richer, nuanced and more colorful.


If you have a different one, the reply button is calling 😀

M‍y biggest takeaway this week 🚀

Collaboration is everything.

Unfortunately, our school system conditions us to think that life is all about competing, individualism, and the need to show that you are the best/come first in class.

However, the best ideas are collaborative. A society’s development is heavily dependent on the number of hive minds collectively working on its issues.

What I’m thinking about?

When you feel yourself triggered, follow this simple framework.

Recognize how you're feeling.

Acknowledge you are responsible for how you feel.

Allow yourself to feel without blame. Don't suppress how you feel. Don't feel guilty about feeling.

Take yourself out of your mind and into your body. Ask yourself where you're feeling it in your body?

You're not a prisoner of your feelings. When we suppress how we feel, our emotions become a negatively coiled spring waiting to pounce.

The smallest disturbance can set you off without warning.

When you rehash what happened, you only coil them more. When you blame other people for how you feel, you absolve yourself from something you are responsible for.

Instead feel without guilt or shame. It's ok to feel. Feel it in your body fully and it will pass quickly.

In other news,

Would you be interested in joining a community of African writers? (I reply all emails)

Thanks for reading this far. I am grateful!

Stay safe & sane,


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