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  • How to write customer interviews

How to write customer interviews


Happy Friday.

This week has been intense for me - work, adjusting to full-time parenting, plus trying to get the family settled into our new place.

Look, I know I promised images, but I haven’t had time to take any 😅

I’ll make sure to take some this weekend.

But here’s me and my little man setting up our first Ikea furniture in the basement.

There should be a term called “Ikea high”– which is the temporal high you get when admiring your finished work.

By the way, my back hurt for two days … jeez.

But back to normal service!

Using the Before-During-After Framework to write great customer interviews

Every now and then, you’ll need to interview your customers and turn it into a piece of content.

Most folks opt for the traditional interview format.


I don’t know about you, but no one wants to read all those Q & A styled articles again - unless it’s on video.

Well, here’s a framework you can use to grab your readers attention:


Give your reader a peek into the past life of the customer. What was happening before you came into their lives? Share something unexpected - a backstory that pulls the reader into the narrative always works.


Why did the customer decide to use your product? How did they use it? Which features do they use the most and why does it work for them? How does your product amplify the unique value proposition of the customer?


Finally, after using your product, what were the outcomes? Here you need hard numbers - results, lead flow, and quotes.

Thought you might find this useful – The 48 Laws of PowerPoint

Not Enough Writers

We over 30 members now…

Here’s the link again if you haven’t signed up.

Come on in folks, let’s build this together.

By the way, the community managers forced me to do this 👇🏽

Notwithstanding - see you all Saturday morning!

Content Writing Jobs (Remote/Freelance)

  • Contract Writer, United Nations Development Programme | Apply here

  • Copywriter, US Tech Solutions | Apply here

  • Copywriter, Campfire | Apply here

  • Freelance Copywriter, EG Entertainment | Apply here

  • SaaS Content Writers, Codeless | Apply here

  • Content Writer, Corey Consulting | Apply here

  • Video Game Guide Writer, Screen Rant | Apply here

  • Freelance Writer, Culture Flipper | Apply here

All the best folks.

And please share with any of your friends/colleagues who might find this useful.

My biggest takeaway this week 🚀

“Your life is purchased by where you spend your attention”

James Clear

What I’m thinking about?

The path to great performance is full of discipline, not brilliance.

Thanks for reading this far. I am grateful!

Stay safe and sane.


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