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How to be more specific

Being specific = you hold someone's hand & paint a picture in their mind.

Happy Friday,

I am writing to you after an intense week of catch-up. Been trying to knock off most of the items on my to-do list.

Unfortunately, the darned list seems to be increasing by the minute.

Despite that, this week had some amazing wins.

Published my round-up piece on introductions, got some amazing feedback from my editor at Pointed Copywriting, plus an article I am really proud of went live - on diversity and inclusion.

But before we get to the articles, today we’ll be talking “SPECIFICITY”

If you want to learn how to write better ads, headlines, or email copy?Here is the best lesson I've learned:BE MORE SPECIFICBeing specific = you hold someone's hand & paint a picture in their mind.here's an example.I love coffee - Nescafe Gold is my favorite brand.Instead of promoting it as "the ultimate coffee"You could say:"It's like getting a shot of energy from Zeus himself that you can drink in 60 seconds before breakfast."

Clients need their hands held and your job as a writer is to paint a VISUAL PICTURE in their mind of what your product will do for them.Now, the magic is in applying this to your ads, emails, blog posts, etc. 🚀


What have I been up to all week?

“Google may have sponsored a study on Inclusive Marketing, but anyone with even a passing interest in how the tech giant treats its employees will quickly see that they don’t always get it right.”

“Diversity and inclusion aren’t buzzwords you throw around during board meetings or conferences.”

“It has to be attention-grabbing. Whether it’s a powerful, story, quote, stat or statement, I always aim to frame my intros in a way that hooks the reader fast”, says Brittany Ryan, Content Chief at Pointed Copywriting, a B2B-focused content marketing agency.

My biggest takeaway this week

The growth of your mind isn’t linear. Given a decade of hard work, the 9th and 10th years yield more clarity than all the other years combined.

What am I thinking about?

The irony of studying history is that we often know exactly how a story ends, but have no idea where it began.

Finally, I need your help!

Could you please share your thoughts on the font I currently use?

Some backstory: I got some feedback that it might not be as warm as this font here >> Hello, I am the former font, he dumped me for the new one 😢

Stay sharp,
