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The oldest rule in marketing is...

We marketers mostly live in a bubble - we think our brand's matter on their own. And in the process, we forget the oldest rule of marketing: You are not the consumer!

Hi there,

Greetings from the masked city of Lagos.

Seems everything is gradually going back to normal, or as everyone says - the new normal.

Today, I went on a rant on LinkedIn about the bubble most marketers live in.

We marketers mostly live in a bubble - we think our brand's matter on their own.

And in the process, we forget the oldest rule of marketing:

You are not the consumer!!! 

Consumer understanding means that you need to:

  • Leverage existing physiological research on consumption triggers.

  • Or conduct your own research to understand your consumer’s motives.

Here are a couple of questions that can guide the sort of answers you’ll seek to glean from your target audience:

Does the product fulfill psychological needs? If so, which ones?

How does the product relate to consumer feelings (e.g., competitive drive, self-esteem, security, etc.)?

Does the product hold symbolic significance for consumers?

What fears do consumers hold regarding the product category?

How do external influences like culture and reference groups impact consumers as they consider your product or service?



My friend Ozue has this amazing program called Weekend Masterclasses.

I’ll actually be speaking on the program next week, but it would be great if you signed up for tomorrow’s masterclass.

You can sign up here!

Stay sharp,
