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I need feedback. Can you help?

Happy Friday folks,

How’s it going at your end?

It’s been a beautiful time to be a young Nigerian, and a great time to #EndSARS.

If you haven’t caught up with the news, here’s a beautiful piece on The Guardian about the protest:

In other news, my combination of Mark Pollard’s Sweathead program on Creative Strategy and the Miami Ad School Social and Content Strategy program has been going great so far.

Here’s a couple of strategy frameworks I built:

Today, I’ll need your feedback on an article’s outline

Topic: Snackable Writing

Q: What would you add or remove from this outline?

Q: When you think of snackable writing, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Introduce the topic

  • Define tasty writing

  • However, snackable doesn't mean your writing should be cheesy.

  • The aim is to grab attention and keep it without sounding like a clown at a circus.

  • Call out the difference between snackable content and snackable writing

Benefits of Snackable writing

  • Writing is more purposeful.

  • Grabs attention

  • Easier to read and keeps the reader entertained

The How*

  • Using analogies and idioms to cure sentence bloat.

  • Using anaphoras.

  • Write as you speak.

  • Frameworks for editing (beer test, read it aloud).

  • Swap out weak words & cliches.

  • Delete adjectives that don't change the meaning of a sentence.

  • Write short sentences. Use fewer commas.

  • Use formatting to add an extra layer of creativity while making it super easy to read/skim.

  • Write as if you are writing a letter to one person.

  • Write the perfect opening, a magnetic middle and a compelling close.

*Each how-to will come with an example (before & after)


M‍y biggest takeaway this week 🚀

You don’t learn things by being super serious about them.

You learn things by being curious and playful about them.

That’s why kids are such great learners.

What I’m thinking about?

Courage is beautiful.

Thanks for reading this far. I am grateful!

Stay safe & sane,


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