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  • Momentum is everything

Momentum is everything

Hi and a non-contact high-five to you!

It’s been some week!

Lost a family friend this week, and it seemed to bring back all the memories and pain of my Mom’s passing in full force.

But hey, life goes on right?

As a friend said - we now live for them!

But the week also had some great highlights:

  • Made some new friends - Hi Noah.

  • Joined up with the Compound Writing group - Hi Stew.

  • My second stab at writing a customer-led piece came out great.😀

  • Plus, school has been amazing.

I was also on the Cuppa Press podcast riffing about starting a newsletter. You can listen to it here.


Today, I’ll be a bit philosophical

Thought to reshare what I wrote two days after my mom passed. I updated it to reflect that it’s over 16 months since I penned this down.

Last year was devastating - My beautiful Mom went to meet her Creator!

If there's one thing that becomes even more clear during this period, it's that momentum is everything.

Sure, I am still trying to churn out work, content, push through with my goals for the year - because that's the only way I can make her proud, by becoming more successful.

But I've lost any momentum I had (took me about 8 months to find a reason to go again).

Momentum isn't just important -- it's essential.

In business.

In life.

Momentum is that which allows you to reach the pinnacle of whatever you're pursuing.

If success was a pie, momentum would be the dough -- arguably the most important aspect of any pie.

Doing something every day (momentum), may not yield results in the interim, but over a long enough period, it has a powerful compounding effect.

And compounding is one of life's most powerful forces, that is true for investing, and is true for momentum.

And let's face reality.

Most of us are natural procrastinators.

We need to keep moving because if we stop -- we stop hard.

The lesson is that you never know when you're on the cusp of something great.

So keeping your momentum intact is super important...

Have a restful Friday.

Normal service resumes next week.

Stay safe & sane,
