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Making your writing even tastier!

Analogies help you illustrate!

Happy Friday folks,

This week was a lesson in how you start your Monday defines the rest of the week.

Celebrated my six years wedding anniversary over the weekend, and the celebrations spilled into Tuesday morning.

Unfortunately for me, I needed to switch back to work mode by Tuesday.

And gosh, it was so difficult.

Writing this newsletter with every ounce of caffeinated willpower I can muster.

That’s literally what’s been powering me most of the week - caffeinated willpower.

That’s me and the lady of the moment - ain’t I one lucky bastard?

Now back to the reason why you are here - today, we’ll be talking “analogies”

An analogy (another of Brittany’s magical writing devices) is a comparison between two things usually thought of as unlike.

Analogies illustrate and explain by moving from the familiar to the unfamiliar, comparing several points, each of which has a counterpoint.

Sounds complex, right?

Let’s use some examples:

Example 1

Normal Sentence:

He ran incredibly fast in the race.

With Analogy:

In the race, he ran with the grace and speed of a cheetah—smooth, flawless, and natural, as if he had been raised running across the plains of Africa.

Example 2

Normal Sentence:

Those two are very close.

With Analogy:

Those two unlikely friends are surprisingly close, like a shark and its cleaner fish—though they have different qualities and purposes, it is clear that neither could survive without the other.

"One good analogy," said American attorney Dudley Field Malone, "is worth three hours' discussion."

Although analogies are useful writing devices, they can be surprisingly difficult to use effectively!

You don’t want to make comparisons to just anything, or your writing may start to look sloppy and careless.

So there you go - my good deed for the week.

M‍y biggest takeaway this week 🚀

Storytelling only works when it's got a human hero at the center.

What I’m thinking about?

Been thinking about the graceful Chadwick Boseman. Despite the pain, and the knowledge that his life was ebbing away quickly - he still gave his all every single time. So what’s my excuse?

Take this life head-on. Reduce distractions. Focus your energies. Stop living in fear. The past is the past. The future is yours to own. Go out every day and LIVE!

In other news,

This piece I wrote on Pointed Copywriting’s three-pillar Content Framework to help you create the right kind of content without being overwhelmed just got published.


Stay safe & sane,
