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  • How do you know your content strategy is working?

How do you know your content strategy is working?

Creating high-quality content that gets shared on socials is a great way to drive conversion.

Hey people,

Dozie here. It’s beeeeeen a while. Sincere apologies for the silence.

I lost my Dad. Traveled to Nigeria for the funeral. And to be honest, life has been a doozy since the old man left us suddenly.

But we are back. And going forward, we’ll try to keep to the cadence we promised.

Let’s get to today’s gist.

How do you know your content strategy is working?

In recent times, we’ve come to accept that word of mouth on social can be a key acquisition channel for B2B brands.

And I love to see that because creating great content your audience can share on social has become a great way to drive conversation and conversions.

Chris Walker, Founder & CEO of Refine Labs has a great quote on this trend:

“People trust their NETWORK a lot more than the results they get from a random blog in Google. So they’re going to other places like LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram, Podcasts, YouTube, Slack & Discord communities to get information on what initiatives to prioritize, what products to purchase, who to follow, etc.”

So, a good way to know if your content is helpful is if it gets shared, bookmarked, and referenced on social channels often.

This piece by Bloom Content on How Piggyvest drove growth with storytelling is a great example. 185 people bookmarked the social post. And over 200 people thumbed the like button.

You probably want more numbers, right? Hold your horses, padawan? Try fitting 200 people into your office space, all trying to tell you they like your content.

Back to it. The goal here is to create specific goals for each social channel your audience lives on. Goals that measure if your content is helpful or not.

For example, you can measure comments, DM inquiries, and reposts on LinkedIn and track the number of bookmarks, link clicks, retweets, and impressions on X (Twitter).

Using tools like Hootsuite and Talkwalker, you can see which content pieces your audience finds most valuable. Once clear, you can improve your content strategy and optimize for better results.

That’s all people. Do you have questions about creating content your readers will love to share?

Please hit the reply button, and we’ll be happy to answer.

Holler at you soon,

Dozie & Fola

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