
Formulaic headlines or story-led headlines?

Happy Friday folks,

Hope we all had an amazing week…

I came across this hauntingly beautiful image and thought to share it with ya’ll!

It’s called the “Sleeping Lady of Alaska”. 

Legend has it that long ago, a princess named Susitna from a race of giant people was waiting for fiancé warrior who never returned. She fell asleep while waiting and became Mount Susitna, also known as the sleeping lady.

So today, it’s all about headlines

And it really is more of a question than a lesson. 😃

So here goes - which do you prefer, formulaic headlines or story-led headlines?

By formulaic headlines, I mean - How to Tell If Your Chest Congestion Requires A Doctor; The Real Secret to Losing Weight; What to Do if Your Facebook Ads Stop Working. 


Story-led headlines - The Backstory: The SaaS New Kid in a Competitive B2B Niche; B2B Content SEO: Rank for Traffic, Stand Out with Message; Remember: Representation Matters — tell diverse stories through your imagery.

If you have used both styles in your writing, which has resulted in the most engagement?

When browsing through a blog/social media, which style prompts you to click/read an article?

Comment, replies are all welcome.🙏

M‍y biggest takeaway this week 🚀

If you can’t outsmart:













NB: I didn’t mean brown-nosing!

What I’m thinking about?

Failure is a part of life.

The people who never fail are the people who fail to live.

Pushing things forward and leaving your comfort zone means you're going to make mistakes. It means the world will kick your ass sometimes. When it happens, learn & go again.

In other news, I’ll be speaking about the Power of Writing at the Afara Leadership Centre’s International Youth Day virtual event.

Come through if you can, I’ll try not to be BORING!

Stay safe & sane folks,
