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  • How do I get better at Content Writing?

How do I get better at Content Writing?

Write every single day!

Happy Friday folks,

I am writing today’s piece from a place of JOY!

John Bonini is one of those unicorn content marketers I look up to,

And him putting me on a list of freelance writers he would hire/recommend meant a lot to me!

By the way, did I mention I started learning to cartoon…

Yes, folks. I am about to become the next Reg Smythe 

Back to today’s topic!

Yesterday, a connection reached out to ask:

How she could get better at writing as a newbie at content marketing

So methinks there is no secret formula for writing high-quality articles.

However, there are three tips I believe that should be helpful for any beginner or practicing writer:

Read widely and a lot

The best writers are avid readers. Reading on a regular basis is an easy way to develop your writing skills. And by reading, I don’t mean only novels. Consume essays, articles, case studies, and interviews.

When reading, pay attention to sentence structure, analogies, word choice, and how the material flows. The more you read, the more likely you are to develop an eye for what makes a piece so effective, and which mistakes to avoid.

Break down writing you admire

Most newbies find it hard to sustain this, but this is one way to accelerate your writing ability. Find blogs or newsletters you find appealing. Then print them out.

Just like your English teacher, use a pen and highlight the things you like about the piece: certain sentences, turns of phrase, even entire paragraphs. Examine why you like these elements, and start practicing to write using these techniques.

Lastly, write every day

Yup - write every single day!

What have I been up to all week?

Thanks to all who responded to my question on my new font.

The response was overwhelmingly positive - so it stays till I start some more deliberate work on my personal brand towards the end of the year.

Also, thanks to Jimmy for this really helpful article on Finding Your Perfect Online Font!

“Choosing a font is like choosing an outfit. ​​​​​​​It could improve your online style and life’s outlook by following a simple recipe: Put on a piece that fits you.

‍Let’s say the default font is like dressing appropriately for work. Some people dress appropriately with wardrobes that fit them well, and those who wear something too big/small and shortchange themselves.”

M‍y biggest takeaway this week

Don’t sell the steak, sell the sizzle!

What am I thinking about?

Don't waste time with people who lack the imagination to adopt other perspectives. They will always be "right."

Stay safe and sane,
