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  • How to find your customer's awareness levels

How to find your customer's awareness levels

Hallos 👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾

Happy Friday!

How’s your week going?

This week has been an emotional rollercoaster. Monday was two years since we laid my beautiful mom to rest after she passed away suddenly.

And mahn, the pain still seems as fresh as that day.

Mom’s superpower was that everyone who knew her felt like they had a special bond with her that nobody else had. She knew how to make you feel like you were the most important person in the room.

When a loved one moves on, it’s hellish trying to make sense of it.

Trying to find the bright side in it all.

But as an older friend said to me yesterday: we should use their deaths as a moment to celebrate and even try to embody the way they approached life and their relationships with others.

May we all love our humans as if they are the room’s centerpiece.

Today, we’ll be talking about how to find your customer awareness levels

Last week, I shared the most important question you’ll need to answer to run an effective marketing campaign.

Which is:

“What does my reader/audience already know?”

What does your reader know about your product/service? Are they aware of the problem your product/service solves? Are they aware of your competitors (direct and indirect)?

Now, let’s discuss how you discover your customer awareness levels…

It’s pretty easy — all you need to do is ask questions. Not surface-level questions, but probing questions about the problem your product/service solves:

  • How well known is the problem?

  • How likely are prospects to realize they have this problem?

  • Besides ours, what other solutions are available?

  • How well known are these other solutions?

Ask questions about your business:

  • How well known are we?

  • What is our reputation in the prospect's industry?

  • Is this prospect likely to have seen our advertising? (What's our ad budget?)

Ask questions about your product/service:

  • Is it brand new? If not, how long has it been on the market?

  • Is it unique, or are there similar solutions available?

  • How much advertising of this product have we already done?

Aim to spend 45mins - 1hr with each prospect/customer.

Pro-tip: When you are pitching this at them, don’t ask them for time. Ask them for advice. No one has time, but everyone has time for advice 😉

Once you’re clear about what your customers already know about your product/service, it’s much easier to figure out what you need to say to get them to sign up or purchase your offering.

A brilliant formula for writing features and benefits

Harry Dry of Marketing Examples is a brilliant mind. I love this:

New article alert 🚨🚨🚨🚨

The piece I penned for Xperiencify went live two days ago:

Check it out!

Not Enough Writers

No significant update today, except that we’ve grown by over 80% the past two weeks.


Here’s the link.

Come on in folks, let’s build this together.

Content Writing Jobs (Remote/Freelance)

  • Freelance Blogger, USA Link Systems | Apply here

  • Games Writer, TapBlaze | Apply here 

  • Course Writer, Mental Fitness | Apply here

  • Freelance Writer, BreakTime Media | Apply here

  • Freelance Writer, CGDirector | Apply here

  • Content Outline Writer, Study.com | Apply here

  • Freelance Blog Content Writer, Spacefinish | Apply here

All the best folks. And please share with any of your friends/colleagues who might find this useful 🙏🏾

My biggest takeaway this week 🚀

What I’m thinking about?

“Learning how to do things when you don't feel like it can turn small starts into exceptional results.”

Shane Parrish

Thanks for reading this far. I am grateful!

Stay safe and sane.


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