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  • An easy-to-use editorial planning framework

An easy-to-use editorial planning framework

Happy Friday folks,

How’s it going at your end?

This month started off awesome 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

We moved into our first Canadian home - a three-bedroom beautiful townhouse.

I’ll share images next week.

Let’s get into today’s gist!

My fav. content planning framework

Y’all know how I love frameworks.

Well, here’s an easy framework I use during editorial planning.

It’s called the ————— “Who, What, Where, When, Why, & How” framework.”

Here goes!

Who: Who’s going to write the content? Your CEO, or will you get some of your product experts to write in-depth case studies?

What: What topics will you be covering? Are you going to cover the traditional “how-tos” or thought leadership pieces?

Where: Where will you be publishing your content? Publishing can be a competitive advantage. Your blog isn’t the only place you can publish content. Podcasts, YouTube, Slideshare, or LinkedIn articles. Look for channels that set you apart from everyone else in your niche. For example, if your competitors are all into blogs, you can explore creating a series of videos for social - this can be an exponential differentiator.

Here’s a fantastic content distribution template you can use right away (courtesy of Ross Simmonds of Foundation Inc)

When: When do you publish? You want your audience to know when to expect your content. A good example is James Clear–– I expect to get his 3-2-1 newsletter every Thursday. Or you can use this as a differentiator - most newsletters are sent during the week, but Ann Handley’s Total Annarchy hits y inbox on Sunday evening.

Why: What’s the vision or purpose of the content? This might sound airy-headed and all, but put some thought to this. A potent vision will show up in your tone and voice.

How: How you or your writers write - this is all about tone and voice.


Not Enough Writers Update

The community is growing. We’re over 20 members now. Plus we have a new logo.

Here’s the link again if you haven’t signed up.

Come on in folks, let’s build this together.

Content Writing Jobs (Remote/Freelance)

  • Content Writer, THC | Apply here

  • Freelance Writer, Calm | Apply here

  • Remote Freelance Writer, SimpleShow | Apply here

  • Content Writer, Info Publishing Impact | Apply here

  • UX Writer, Pinterest | Apply here

  • LinkedIn Content Writer, Ben Wise Consulting | Apply here

  • B2B Content Writer, Number AI | Apply here

All the best folks. And please share with any of your friends/colleagues who might find this useful 🙏🏾

My biggest takeaway this week 🚀

The key to happiness isn’t money. It’s time.

But to have time, you need shitloads of money.

What I’m thinking about?

Choose your boss, not your company. Because your team is everything!

Thanks for reading this far. I am grateful!

Stay safe and Happy Easter Holidays 🥚🥚🥚


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