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  • Content Marketing Weekly Digest Ep. 42

Content Marketing Weekly Digest Ep. 42

A weekly roundup of what the smartest content marketers are consuming, and what they're creating

Welcome to the 42nd issue of Content Marketing Weekly Digest, a weekly newsletter focused on curating some of the best content marketing articles. I'm glad you're here.

Hello content superstars,

I hope you all had a great first week of 2023.

Me? I am on a roll, it seems.

It just clocked that this is the first time since 2020 that I haven’t started the year with the specter of a move hanging over my head.

2022 was the pits. We were readying for our move to Calgary. And I was so distracted. It got so bad that my boss had a mini 1-on-1 with me because of my approach to work.

Well, 2023 seems to be off to a much better start.

And with that, here’s your first content brew of the year ☕

Content Editing: The Art of Revising From Basic to Brilliant. This article has been around for some time, but what better way to start the year as a writer than by improving your editing skills? I’m waiting for a better answer.

Advanced Techniques for Using ChatGPT. This Twitter thread by Rob Lennon is terrific. Terrific doesn’t quite describe the golden nuggets he lays out there. Practice makes perfect, though.

10 Interviewing Tips for Journalists. I’ve been talking about improving interviewing skills with the rise of AI. Well, here’s a great piece on interviewing tips. My best tip? “Don’t come across as a journalist.


And have a great week.


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