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  • Content Marketing Weekly Digest Ep. 35

Content Marketing Weekly Digest Ep. 35

A weekly roundup of what the smartest content marketers are consuming, and what they're creating

Welcome to the 35th issue of Content Marketing Weekly Digest, a weekly newsletter focused on curating some of the best content marketing articles. I'm glad you're here.

Hey folks,

How’s it going? I got back home on Wednesday.

Aside from the need to pop pills daily for malaria, I’m happy to be back home. And glad to be back with family. Ronan has refused to let me out of his sight for the past few days.

It’s also been snowing. So, I have been indoors all through. The abrupt change in temperature takes some getting used to.

Well, here’s your weekly content brew ☕

What is Anchor Text? Best Practices for Optimizing Link Text. Sometimes, I feel SEO is one optimization after another. We are either optimizing the meta description. Or our headlines. Or the full article. So, here’s another deep dive into optimizing the link text we use for interlinking or backlinks. Enjoy.

Google: Writing Content From Keyword Search Volume Lists Will Result In Mediocre Content. This article is the best thing I have read this week. Look, I think keyword volume is essential. But it should only be one of the levers that define your content strategy.

Google: Links Will Be Less Important As A Ranking Factor In The Future. Backlinks are great. But it’s refreshing to hear Google say they’ll decrease in importance over time. We should spend more time worrying about topical relevance, expertise, and creating high-quality content. That’s what content marketing should be about - educating and influencing your audience.


And have a great week.


P.S: Do you prefer three articles weekly, or do you have time to read more articles?

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