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  • How to build great buyer personas

How to build great buyer personas

Hi folks,

How’s your week been?


Well, no matter how it’s been - we go again next week.

So, Happpppppyyyyy Fridayyyyyyy.

So, I have one image for you - our bare living room 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

I haven’t had time to unpack my books and not ready to move those two cartons anywhere. They’re damn heavy!

I’ll probably leave them there till I buy a bookshelf (while hoping May doesn’t read this email).

Today, I’ll be talking about Buyer Personas

Or rather, I’ll be sharing my approach to a buyer persona project at work.

When most marketers think of building out buyer personas, the following tools come to mind:

  • Surveys

  • Focus groups

Now, these tools do work, especially if you are playing in a low-consideration category such as CPGs. However, if you deal in the high-consideration category as most B2B firms, you might be better served reading on…

Before that, here’s why I think surveys and focus groups shouldn’t be the first thing you do when building your buyer personas as a B2B content marketer:

  • Surveys work best when used to validate insights gained through other methodologies.

  • Focus groups deliver the most value when you have identified several strategies and would like to know which appeals the most to your potential buyers.

So, how does Dozie plan to approach this:

The how: Through 20-30 mins interviews

With who: 5 - 10 customers in the first sprint (evenly split between those happy with us and those who aren’t or considered our solution and ended up going with another provider),

What’s the objective: Listen to real buyers tell their own stories and capture their mindset in the act of making the decision we want to influence.

What sort of information/insights will we be looking to glean from this process:

  • What’s the most compelling reason that gets the buyer to invest in a solution like ours?

  • What operational and personal results does the buyer expect from our solution?

  • What are the perceived barriers that would prevent the buyer from considering our solution?

  • What’s the buyer journey – how does the buyer evaluate options, eliminate alternatives and make a final choice?

  • What specific attributes does the buyer consider when making a decision?


Next week, I’ll share how I glean data for my content angles and channels from this exercise.

Lessons from McKinsey on arguments

Source - Praveen Vaidyanathan

Not Enough Writers - Update

Signed up yet?

Here’s the link again 😀

The first knowledge-sharing session was a success. We’ll be having another one next weekend:

Content Writing Jobs (Remote/Freelance)

All the best, folks.

And please share with any of your friends/colleagues who might find this useful.

My biggest takeaway this week 🚀

Always be building momentum. That way, you find it easier to progress to the next level/opportunity/challenge/task.

What I’m thinking about?

You are a combination of the people you spend the most time with, your habits, and your environment. If you want to change your outcomes, start with these.

Shane Parrish

Gratitude Corner

To Udoka Okonta for this beautiful post about my newsletter on LinkedIn.

To Ayodeji Balogun for this great shout-out.

Thanks for reading this far. I am grateful!

Stay safe and sane.


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