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  • Where do I begin as a freelance writer?

Where do I begin as a freelance writer?

Happy Friday y’all,

How’s it going over at your end?

Hope you’ve had an amazing week.

Today, I am diving straight in!

No stories…we’ve got a lot to cover.

Where do I begin?

Last week, I got this question from one of us.

Hey Faustina 😊

And I promised her I would write about it this week. So, here’s how I started:

  1. I took a writing course

We all assume we can write. And I guess we can all do to some extent. But no one got hurt for re-learning, right?

It doesn’t have to be an excessively expensive one. Make sure to read the reviews on Google before you commit.

Here’s one reason why this is important:

You might be great at writing poems and stories, but suck at long-form content writing. Do your research and make sure to learn how to write great copy. Make sure to learn or refresh yourself on:

  • SEO

  • Writing conversational copy

  • Copy-editing for fluff

  • Grammar

  1. I picked a niche - well, sorta

This is the hardest part. But it does help you grow fast. I first started out writing for a gaming site, and then migrated to writing on pets, cannabis and digital marketing.

Now, I primarily write on B2B SaaS marketing. I recently dabbled into travel writing.

If you ask me, I tend to say I am primarily a B2B writer. One of my biggest failures was trying to write for a B2C American audience.

Gosh – I was completely off tone-wise and on the cultural nuances.

Maybe what I am trying to say here is you need some guardrails. You can’t and shouldn’t write on every topic.

That’s the easiest way to get burnt out as a writer.

  1. I started writing samples

The first couple of months, I wrote on Medium. This not only builds your confidence, but you also have a portfolio you can share with potential employers.

This is probably where picking a niche is helpful.

It’s easier to write on topics you have some expertise on. You don’t have to write a lot. Pen down 3 - 5 high-quality articles and put them in your portfolio.

  1. I started applying

It’s time for the rubber to hit the road.

Knock together a short cover letter, and go hunting. Here’s a cover letter I’ve used to win a lot of jobs:


The name is Dozie Anyaegbunam, and I am a direct-response copywriter and digital marketing specialist, with a record of turning readers into buyers.

I am currently part of an elite group of writers being mentored by Jon Morrow of SmartBlogger, and I also work as a remote freelance writer for a content marketing agency (SEO Butler) operating from the United Kingdom.

I have written pieces across various niches - digital marketing; gaming; minimalist home decor; health and wellness.

Please see below some samples of my writing:”

Visit freelance writing job boards and pitch away. I also share about 3-7 remote jobs every week. Here are some great freelance writing job boards:

Any questions? If none - Time to start pitching!

Not Enough Writers is LIVE 🍾

I have been talking about the African Writer’s community I was working on creating with a couple of other writers.

It’s live fellas!

It’s early days but do sign up here

Hoping to see y’all in there.

Let’s build this together ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Please share with your friends and fellow content writers/marketers.

New Article Alert 🚨

The SmartBlogger Content Marketing Program was one of the first places I learnt how to write click-worthy headlines, great openings and compelling closes.So it's an honour to have a published article on the SmartBlogger blog.If you love to travel, and write, this might be worth reading – especially if you've gotten your vaccine 😀

Content Writing Jobs (Remote/Freelance)

  • Freelance Writer, NJ Mom LLC | Apply here

  • Freelance Content Writer, Upacifico | Apply here

  • Business Writer, Identitype Group | Apply here

  • SEO Editor/Writer, SmarterTravel | Apply here

  • Freelance Writer, Advantage B2B Consulting | Apply here

  • Freelance Writer, Calm | Apply here

All the best folks. And please share with any of your friends/colleagues who might find this useful 🙏🏾

My biggest takeaway this week 🚀

Please, Please, PLEASE, take time for yourself. With so much happening in the world, it’s easy for you to become consumed by negativity.

Take a moment, shut off from the world, and refresh your mind, body, and soul ✨

What I’m thinking about?

The events of your past are fixed. The meaning of your past is not.

The influence of every experience in your life is determined by the meaning you assign to it.

Thanks for reading this far. I am grateful!

Stay safe & sane,


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