An Announcement!

I'll be joining the Miami Ad School Toronto Social and Content Strategy Bootcamp

Happy Friday,

Today, I have an announcement to make!

No content marketing lessons!!!!!!

I had always known I wanted to work in the advertising/IMC industry.

In what form, I wasn't sure.

So, when I got the opportunity to intern with DDB Lagos, I was thrilled.

I still remember those after-work classes and assignments my boss Daniel Ogbonna used to dish out for we interns馃榾.

Fast-forward to the end of B-school, I got a job as a junior strategist at Insight, one of Nigeria's biggest ad shops.

It also meant I was going to be working under Feyi Olubodun, one of the most brilliant minds I have been privileged to work under.

Sadly, I walked away after three months to launch an Edutech startup.

Sometimes, I wonder what would have been if I stayed!

But after a journey through edutech, classifieds, digital commerce, B2B content marketing, FMCGs, and an interesting stint in the public sector, I am taking a stab at that DREAM again.

I'll be joining the Miami Ad School Toronto Social and Content Strategy Bootcamp this month.

This time around, I am a bit more clear of what I want out of the magic world of advertising. And maybe also a bit more experienced than the bright-eyed young man that walked through the Insight Publicis doors several years ago.

Thanks to Olawale Adetula, Matt. Augustin, Enobong Kennedy, Uche Onwudiwe, Feyi Olubodun, Dr. Ogechi Adeola, Brittany Ryan, Mark Pollard & Aurora Stewart de Pena for the formal/informal nudges along the way.

What does this mean for the focus of this newsletter?

Nothing is changing, my life always had three paths:

  • Content marketing.

  • Creative strategy

  • Writing

So, over the next few months, I鈥檒l be expanding the topics I write about. Maybe the title will change into something more inclusive.

Any ideas on what the new title should be?

Stay safe & sane,
