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  • 3-2-1 Fridays: Video-first content, a content distribution framework, and overcoming writer's block

3-2-1 Fridays: Video-first content, a content distribution framework, and overcoming writer's block

Welcome to today’s issue of Efikó, a weekly newsletter by me, Dozie Anyaegbunam, focusing on all things content marketing and living your best life. THANK YOU for being here! I appreciate you!

Hey everyone,

How are we doing?

I am in Nigeria. But I already want to go back home.

Well, Nigeria is home. But more like home where family is. I miss May. And I miss my boys.

But let’s get into today’s lessons.

3 Things I Learned This Week


Video-first content is fantastic. But you know what’s better?

Embedding a video in your blog post that answers one of the questions/issues your blog post tackles.

Google loves it when you do that. And your post not only ranks fast, but you also win the video SERPs. Here’s one example:

We published a post targeting the “demand generation best practices” keyword about three weeks ago.

It jumped up to the featured snippet in two weeks. And we are ranking at the top position for the video search results.

a close up of text and logo over a white background

So, try it out and let me know.


I have got a new content distribution framework for you. One I swiped from the founders of MKT1 Capital & Advisory, Emily Kramer and Kathleen Estreich.

It’s called GACC - Goals, Audience, Channels, Creative.

I did change the order a bit because I believe you need to consider the channels first. And then design your creatives based of your channel choice.

How do you use it?

The owners of the framework advice that you write out a GACC brief before making anything in marketing - for content marketers that would be writing a blog post, recording a video, or a podcast. Fair point.

But I also think you can get away with using it after creating content (especially because a piece of content can take a different direction during the creation and editing process). Here’s how I would use the framework:

Goals (more often than not, you should already have this)

  • What are the goals for this content piece in it’s final form? (brand awareness, demo requests, sales enablement)

Audience (you should also have this before content creation)

  • Who do I want to reach with this piece?

  • Why?

  • What do I know about them?


  • What channels can I find my audience easily?

  • What channels are they in the right frame of mind to notice, read or watch what I publish?


  • What are the considerations I need to keep in mind to create thumb-stopping creatives?


Here’s a simple hack to deal with writer’s block:a. Pick up your phone recording app.b. Record your thoughts on the topic you want to write about. c. Transcribe your recording into a Google Docs file.

For some darn reason, the brain finds it easier to talk than to type. It starts to second guess itself once you open up a blank document.

So spill out all you have in your head about the topic. And you would be amazed how that helps you get going.

2 Things I am Thinking About


Don’t stop learning.


*Both screenshots are excerpts from Charlie Munger’s 2007 speech at the USC Law School.

1 Book Recommendation

The Content Strategy Toolkit by Meghan Casey is an excellent guide to conceptualizing, creating and executing a content strategy.

Content Writing Jobs - October

All the best, folks.

P.S: I’m just the messenger. I know nothing more than what I include here.

Be good out there. If you can't be good, be careful

I’ll be back on 10/21.


PS: If my newsletter lands in your promotion tab, please could you move it to the primary tab? Thanks.