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  • 3-2-1 Fridays: How to make appropriate brand references, making comparisons, and respecting your audience

3-2-1 Fridays: How to make appropriate brand references, making comparisons, and respecting your audience

Welcome to today’s issue of Efikó, a weekly newsletter by me, Dozie Anyaegbunam, focusing on all things content marketing and living your best life. THANK YOU for being here! I appreciate you!

Hi superstars,

How’s your week going?

Great? Meh? Just there?

Mine —- I am all in my feels. My parents-in-law came in yesterday. And damn, you never know how much you miss family till you see them again.

The hug Dodo gave his granny at the airport was some sight.

But enough of the mushy mushy.

Next week, on Friday Deep Dives, Maddy French, best-selling author of "Writing for Humans and Robots" and Founder of The Blogsmith, will go all in on how to write for humans.

I am excited.

3 Things I Learned This Week From Maddy’s Book


When making references to people or objects, make sure you make the appropriate references.For example, if you're writing about a brand, use the brand name in any paragraph in which it's mentioned.Don't use it in place of the brand name.For example, "It's the best for tracking customer job changes" doesn't make as much sense as "UserGems 💎 is great for tracking job changes."


When making comparisons, be clear about what you’re comparing something to.

For example, “Great content writers are much more specific and direct when creating content than the average content writer.”

Sounds way better than…

“Great content writers are much more specific and direct when creating content.”

Ambiguity is one of the fastest ways to confuse someone or increase your bounce rate.


This one blew my mind because I have been guilty tons of times.

Avoid using words that might insult your reader’s intelligence. The goal of content marketing is to educate, nudge, and inspire.

So respect your readers. Don’t assume everything is obvious. Don’t use phrases like:

  • Everyone knows

  • Clearly

  • Obviously

  • Of course.

2 Things I am Thinking About


Focused attention is more valuable than a distracted mind. The world tends to hype up multi-tasking. But 60/30 mins of focused work on one thing is more productive.


“Intensity might get you started, but only consistency gets you to the end.” Shane Parrish

1 Book Recommendation

I have a free course today. Advanced Content Marketing by Brian Dean. Brian Dean reveals the exact framework he used to build Backlinko (one of the most popular marketing blogs). You’ll get a deep dive into strategies and tactics you can use to quickly increase your blog’s traffic, email subscribers, and revenue.

Content Writing Jobs - July

All the best, folks.

P.S: I’m just the messenger. I know nothing more than what I include here.

If you would love me to review your writing and give you feedback, you can book a time here. Or just hit the reply button.

Thanks for reading this far. I am grateful!

Be good out there. If you can't be good, be careful

I’ll be back on 8/05.
