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  • 3-2-1 Fridays: Content marketing as a constant positioning exercise, content pruning, and finding content gaps

3-2-1 Fridays: Content marketing as a constant positioning exercise, content pruning, and finding content gaps

Welcome to today’s issue of Efikó, a weekly newsletter by me, Dozie Anyaegbunam, focusing on all things content marketing and living your best life. THANK YOU for being here! I appreciate you!

Hey superstars,

You come across an image that makes you proud every now and then. The image above was one of such.

Because considering all the madness going on in Nigeria right now, the audacity of those folks launching new companies is something else.

How’s your week going?

3 Things I Learned This Week


Content marketing is positioning.

Switch “product walkthrough” with “content strategy.” And you have a successful content strategy that:

  • Targets buyers within the right context

  • Shares your product differentiators and why you are different from the alternatives

  • And nudges the reader/buyer to a close.

The key lesson for me here: Ahead of 2023, spend some time learning about positioning and how that can translate to your approach to content strategy.


As Google’s “Helpful Content Update” rolls up, one thing that’s top of my mind is content pruning.

Pareto’s principle means a small number of pages on every website drive most of the traffic. That doesn’t mean you should prune every other page that falls into the 80%.

But with the new update, maybe this is a good time to re-consider blog posts that don’t fall into the content themes you want to rank for. So, here’s how I plan to approach it:

  • Go to Google Search Console and use the “Performance” function to pull out all the keywords we rank for over the past 12 months.

  • Use a clustering tool (such as Keyword Insights) to create a keyword cluster.

  • Identify the clusters that are way out of our expertise or what we want to be known for as a brand.

  • Use Ahrefs Rank Tracker to identify the pages ranking for these keywords.

  • Decide on the content’s fate. This will be a mix of:

    • Repurposing and updating the pieces that have some tangential relationship to our content themes

    • And speaking with our developer on the best approach for those pieces that are irredeemable


Finding content gaps is the easiest way to create new content ideas. But with one caveat: you must approach the topic from your perspective. The SERPs should only act as a guide.

I use Ahrefs to run this analysis.

  • Find three or more sites that fit your ideal customer profile

  • Plug them into Ahrefs and run the analysis

  • Export the keywords to Excel

  • Map them into clusters

  • And finally, map them to your content clusters.

There, you have new content ideas.

2 Things I am Thinking About


Impatience kills more dreams than incompetence.

Shane Parrish


Nobody has ever walked that path of life in a straight line. Life is about forgiving yourself, picking yourself back up, and getting back on track.

1 Book Recommendation

Today’s recommendation is a no-brainer. Obviously Awesome by April Dunford.

Content Writing Jobs - August

All the best, folks.

P.S: I’m just the messenger. I know nothing more than what I include here.

Thanks for reading this far. I am grateful!

Be good out there. If you can't be good, be careful

I’ll be back on 9/02.
