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  • 3-2-1 Fridays: 3 ways to get ahead in the technical SEO game

3-2-1 Fridays: 3 ways to get ahead in the technical SEO game

Welcome to today’s issue of Efikó, a weekly newsletter by me, Dozie Anyaegbunam, focusing on all things content marketing and living your best life. THANK YOU for being here! I appreciate you!

Hey rockstars,

How’s your week going?

It’s getting cold here. Like really cold. Dodo’s playground frosted over a couple of days ago.

But back to the content side of things. I spent the week working on the technical audit side of things.

Here are some of the things I learned.

3 Things I Learned This Week About Technical SEO Audits


Some of the most significant issues that you need to look out for when kicking off a technical SEO audit are:

  • Do you have any spammy backlinks?

  • Are your canonical URLs working correctly?

  • Do you have any orphan pages (these are pages that aren’t linked to any other page on your site)?

  • Are there pages that aren’t in the appropriate sub-folders? This week, I discovered some pages that were in two sub-folders.

  • Any broken links or missing redirects?

  • Are all your pages indexed?

  • Is your metadata too long, too short, missing, or duplicated?

  • Do your images have alt text?

Treat this as a checklist.


For those who don’t have the budget for tools like Ahrefs and Screaming Frog. Here are three FREE tools you can use:

  • PageSpeed Insights from Google to get a picture of your website’s health. And some of its most significant technical issues.

  • GTmetrix to see how your site performs, why it’s slow, and reveal optimization opportunities

  • Google LightHouse to highlight any core web vitals issues.


Finally, running a technical SEO audit isn’t only about tools. SEO is a big part of UX or customer experience. So spend some time manually thumbing through each page on the site to check for:

  • Are there any broken links or CTA buttons?

  • Are the CTAs and navigation prompts?

  • Do visitors understand what they need to do when they land on any page?

  • Is the font readable?

  • Is the color scheme welcoming or harsh?

  • Does the blog or any other editorial resource use the correct header tags?

  • How do each page elements show up on mobile or different browsers?

Treat this as a checklist.

2 Things I am Thinking About


"Whatever age you are today, your future self would love to be it.

Most people do not consider 65 to be a young age... but when you're 75, you'd love to rewind to 65 and regain those years. Few people would describe 35 as your youth, but in your mid-50s your mid-30s will seem like the "young you."

Today is a great opportunity, no matter your age. Looking back in a few years, today will seem like the time when you were young and full of potential or the moment when you could have started early or the turning point when you made a choice that benefited your future.

The moment in front of you right now is a good one. Make the most of it."

James Clear


Never make important decisions when you're feeling:

  • Angry

  • Sad

  • Tired

  • Hungry

  • Lonely

1 Book Recommendation

Recommending this book again because it’s IMPORTANT. Obviously Awesome by April Dunford.

Content Writing Jobs - September

All the best, folks.

P.S: I’m just the messenger. I know nothing more than what I include here.

Be good out there. If you can't be good, be careful

I’ll be back on 9/30.


PS: If my newsletter lands in your promotion tab, please could you move it to the primary tab? Thanks.