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  • 3-2-1 Fridays: Content distribution the Justin Simon way, Erica's editing process, and how to replace the "Ultimate Guide" phrase

3-2-1 Fridays: Content distribution the Justin Simon way, Erica's editing process, and how to replace the "Ultimate Guide" phrase

Your weekly content marketing inspiration

Hey friend, welcome to today’s issue of Efikó. This newsletter by Dozie Anyaegbunam helps you curate content marketing and life insights from across the web. Anyway, hello, it’s good to see you. You’re doing great 😀

Hello content people,

How’s your week been?

Good? Meh? Or fantabulously great?

Mine? It’d been dope. I am grateful for where I am in my journey and all I have learned.

By the way, have you signed up for The Newcomers Podcast?

If you’re an immigrant or looking to migrate soon, you should.

Now! Content marketing.

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 50 seconds.

1. Repurposing & distribution…The Justin Simon way

Insight from Justin Simon.

Content creation can feel like an endless treadmill. But should it?

Justin’s strategy is one way to jump off that treadmill.

He takes the content created from one virtual event. And splits it into:

  • Five social videos

  • Three stand-alone YouTube videos

  • One email newsletter

  • One blog post

  • 10+ social posts

If you were distributing on multiple social channels, you could create over 20+ social posts. Let me explain!

Let’s imagine you distribute content on Twitter and LinkedIn. This would mean:

  • Twitter: Threads or tweets that condense or expand on the key takeaways from the session. This could result in 10 different tweets or five threads—your call.

  • LinkedIn: Posts or carousels that make one complete point. Imagine the number of posts you could make if you had five key takeaways, x number of insights, and x number of mind-bending quotes.

The critical lessons with how Justin approaches content repurposing and distribution are:

  • You can apply this same strategy to any content.

  • Doing this allows your content engine to run continuously without you having to create something new every day.

  • You have more time for content strategy, audience research, walking your dog, or getting a power nap.

2. An over-the-shoulder view of Erica Schneider’s editing process

Insight from Erica Schneider.

Not much to say here. Immerse yourself!

3. Ultimate Guide XYZ..Bin that!

Insight from Josh Spilker.

I suspect I am not the only one who rolls their eyes whenever you come across a headline that starts with Ultimate Guide to….

That phrase needs to be dead and buried.

Here are some variations from Josh you all can try:

  • Comprehensive Guide...

    Complete Guide...

    Definitive Guide...

    Expert Guide...

    Step-by-Step Guide...

    Essential Guide...

    In-Depth Guide...

    Practical Guide...

    Beginner's Guide...

    Advanced Guide...





    A-Z Guide...

    Everything You Need to Know About...

    The Ultimate Resource on...

    The Complete Handbook for...

    The Definitive Resource for...

Come on. Go try it out.

Two things I am thinking about



One book recommendation

The Creative Act by Rick Rubin is a must-read for creatives and storytellers. As I spend more time thinking about my journey as a content marketer, I realize that being good at what we do starts in the heart first.

Thanks for reading to the end. You all make writing this newsletter worth the trouble.

Be good out there. If you can't be good, be careful.

I'll return on 3/31.


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